Contract Wife Destined Marriage by ahahah-Y Chapter 4

Contract Wife Destined Marriage by ahahah-Y Chapter 4

Chapter 4 I’m Biased 


Rhett paused for a moment, and this was not quite what he had expected

Was she being tactful, or was she playing hard to get

However, either way, it didn’t matter much. When he got married initially, it was to soothe Flora, who was critically ill at the time. Now that Flora had recovered and became healthier, their contract was about to end. He no longer needed to continue this

Alright, then let’s meet at Hillside Café on Shoreline Street tomorrow afternoon at two,Rhett was always efficient, and he hung up the phone straight after saying that

Holding her phone, Natalie felt a mix of emotions

Your husband?Sadie cautiously inquired, leaning over

Natalie lowered her hand and said calmly, Soon, he won’t be.” 

“What does that mean?” 

Turning to face her, Natalie looked at her, surprisingly calm. He wants a divorce.” 

Sadie was puzzled

Chapter 4 I’m Biased 

After a moment of silence, she finally spoke, What’s going on with you two? I just don’t understand!” 


They got married, lived separately, and now they were divorcing after having sex

It doesn’t matter. We agreed on this two years ago. It is just fulfilling the contract,Natalie said as she walked back into the 


When Rhett brought up the divorce, she admitted she was acting out of spite. However, she quickly realized that it was something she had been hoping for all along. So, why would she change her mind just because she slept with him once? She didn’t need to be angry over these matters

Sadie followed her, still bewildered. I know it is because of a contract, but why would he sleep with you if he’s divorcing you? What’s he playing at? This is so unfair!” 

We’re all adults. It’s okay.” 

As Natalie searched through her closet for suitable clothes, she paused and turned to Sadie. Moreover, you were the one who said I was lucky to sleep with him.” 

Finishing her sentence, she winked at her

Sadie was left speechless by her response

Sadie was joking. How could Natalie take that seriously? Sadie felt like Natalie was losing out on two years of her youth! What 

Chapter 4 I’m Biased 


was that man really up to? Wasting Natalie’s youth and then divorcing her? It was unbelievable, considering he looked like a gentleman

Once Natalie had sorted things out in her mind, she felt less bothered. She rummaged for clothes and said, Sadie, did you get my tie clip back?

Got it!Sadie rummaged through her bag and pulled out an elegant box, handing it over to Natalie. Laliss was interested in the design of this tie clip. You refused to sell it. Turns out you wanted to keep it for your uncle Brian.” 

Yes.Natalie took the box and opened it, glancing at the diamond. My mom has been sick for the past two years. Thanks to Brian taking care of her, he also helped with the arrangements after her passing. I want to give him something special, unique.” 

Brian’s a good guy. But your aunt Maura and cousin LilithShaking her head, Sadie couldn’t hide her disdain

When they were mentioned, Natalie thought of seeing Lilith at the hotel’s side entrance today. Although she seemed arrogant, her expression was somewhat anxious. Natalie didn’t know what she was afraid of

The Lane Villa was in the old villa area in the southern part of the city

It was one of the first villa neighborhoods in Tranquil City, but it had become quite rundown after many years

Chapter 4 I’m Biased 


The wealthy elite had gradually moved to the new city arca, leaving the Lane family behind due to their declining business and financial situation. They remained in the old neighborhood

When Natalie arrived by taxi, it was already noon

Considering the time, she thought the Lane family should have finished lunch. She wanted to drop off the gift, exchange a few words with Brian, and then make it to Hillside Café by two

Lilith opened the door, which surprised Natalie. Before she could react, Lilith had affectionately linked arms with her and announced, It’s Natalie! Dad, Natalie’s here!” 

Lilith’s enthusiasm caught Natalie off guard. She was led into 

the house

Inside, Brian put down his fork and stood up. “Natalie, you’re finally here. We’ve been waiting for you to start lunch.” 

Natalie didn’t expect that they hadn’t eaten yet at this hour. Surprised, she handed over the gift, saying, Happy birthday.” 

We’re family. You are too kind!Brian laughed as he accepted the gift, waving his hand. Come on, let’s eat!” 

Natalie was about to decline, but seeing the joy in Brian’s eyes, she sat down

Are you busy with work lately? You’ve lost weight.Brian introduced the dish while asking with concern

Chapter 4 I’m Biased 


Holding her bowl, Natalic nodded, responding, It’s been okay.” 

You shouldn’t ask, especially in the current situation. So many big companies have gone bankrupt, not to mention Natalie’s small studio. You’re just rubbing salt in her wound.Maura Lane chimed in, smiling at Natalie. He didn’t mean it that way

Don’t take it to heart.” 

I know,Looking down, Natalie said calmly

Maura continued, Natalie, I think you shouldn’t be so stubborn. If your small studio isn’t doing well, just close it. It would be much better for you to join the entertainment industry with Lilith. You’ll make money faster, gain fame, and even get to meet those wealthy young men. Don’t waste your pretty face.” 

Brian’s fork slammed onto the table as she spoke up

With a stern face, he said, I told you not to bring this up again!” 

Startled, Maura was quiet for two seconds and then mumbled, I was just trying to help.” 

What! I am against Lilith entering the entertainment industry. It’s a den of vipers! Natalie is doing well on her own now. Stop mentioning these ridiculous ideas!Brian was furious, even coughing

Lilith was displeased. Dad, why can’t you see that? How am I not doing well on my own? Besides, I can stay true to myself. Not everyone is prey to those unwritten rules. Why do you have 

Chapter 4 I’m Biased 

such a bias against my job?” 


I’m biased, so what! If you still consider me your father, then leave the industry now!” 

You’re being unreasonable.Angrily, Lilith walked out, stumbling a bit as she left

Maura glared at Brian, saying, What are you doing? Lilith sprained her ankle yesterday. Why would you say that?” 

She followed Lilith out of the room

It was just Natalie and Brian inside the house, and the atmosphere grew awkward

UncleNatalie said, trying to offer some comfort

But Brian said, Don’t try to persuade me.” 

Natalie felt speechless

Do you still have no news about your husband?Brian suddenly asked

Brian had been strongly against Natalie’s rushed marriage. However, by the time he found out, they were already married, and he couldn’t blame his sister, Wren, who was on her 


Later, to put Brian’s mind at ease, Natalie told him about the contract, which had somewhat relieved him

Chapter 4 I’m Biased 


Facing this sudden question, Natalie hesitated. He’s arranged to meet me this afternoon to discuss the divorce.” 

This afternoon?Brian suddenly got excited. That’s good 

news! Settle it quickly and end this ridiculous farce.” 

Natalie was about to respond when her phone rang

Contract Wife Destined Marriage by ahahah-Y

Contract Wife Destined Marriage by ahahah-Y

Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: Aug 26, 2022 Native Language: English
The Novel Contract Wife Destined Marriage by ahahah-Y is an Billionaire story about Natalie & Mr. Greene. During the two years of the flash marriage, Natalie didn't see her husband, but the monthly living expenses of 100,000 US dollars arrived on time; because they were only a contractual marriage; Two years later, on the eve of her divorce, she had s*x with her husband by accident! That night...was wonderful; Natalie: What drama story is this! As a result, she struggled repeatedly between divorce and not to divorce; Gradually, Mr. Greene discovered that his beautiful wife not only hid many powerful identities, but also hid one of the most important secrets: "So baby, that night, it was actually you...huh?"

Contract Wife Destined Marriage by ahahah-Y

Ahaha-g is the author of Contract Wife Destined Marriage by ahahah-Y Novel. This novel is in Romance genre, has been read by many people, and has a pretty good rating. For those of you who want to read it in full, you can search The novel has gained immense popularity and received praise from a wide audience.

Description Novels

Title Contract Wife Destined Marriage
Author Ahaha-g
Publisher Bookalb
Genre Romance
Subtitle English
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