My Dearest Treasure by Frieda (Morgan and Erica) Novel
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My Dearest Treasure by Frieda (Morgan and Erica) Novel

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Status: Ongoing Released: Sep 4, 2023 Native Language: English Posted by: AdminA Posted on: Updated on: View: ? Views
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Synopsis My Dearest Treasure by Frieda (Morgan and Erica) Novel

My Dearest Treasure by Frieda (Morgan and Erica) Novel – No work, no ability, no sense of existence, even the husband’s heart is not the waste should be clean out of the house, go to the father to leave the daughter, get rid of the big family West? The city people sit and wait to see Erica’s jokes, West family more threatened: not three days she will obediently take her daughter back to kneel for compound. What? She’s a top Internet celebrity with tens of millions of followers? Ke? You started a $100 billion company? Who are you fooling? Oh, my God! She’s the god of racing, too!

One day, when the reporter interviewed her, she interviewed her daughter: “No father to participate in the growth, will it be sad?” “More happy.” Sitting in front of the TV, Morgan had never seen his daughter smile so happily, and his heart suddenly turned sour. “Parents without love are neither sweet nor beautiful, we don’t want them.” Erica eyes bright, but the pupil can no longer reflect the man called Morgan. Later, Morgan know a secret, just know their white moonlight should be her.

My Dearest Treasure by Frieda (Morgan and Erica) Novel

Frieda is the author of My Dearest Treasure Novel. This novel is in Romance genre, has been read by many people, and has a pretty good rating. For those of you who want to read it in full, you can search The novel has gained immense popularity and received praise from a wide audience.


Description Novels

Title My Dearest Treasure by Frieda (Morgan and Erica)
Author Frieda
Publisher Bookalb
Genre Romance
Subtitle English
Other Works

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