My Dearest Treasure by Frieda Chapter 1

My Dearest Treasure by Frieda Chapter 1



Morgan, please, come back with me.” 

In the box. Erica lowered her voice, indifferent to the mocking glances around her

Her husband, Morgan West, stood up with a rigid expression, his face pale, and walked out the door

He led Erica into another box

I don’t care about going back to commemorate what they call our wedding anniversary. Take this and go shopping instead!He coldly took out a bank card from his wallet and threw it on the table in front of her

Without wasting another second, he left

Morgan!Erica hastily grabbed his coat, If I were to say that my past lack of integrity was not for my own benefit, would you believe me?” 

Do you believe it?Morgan retorted, his lips carrying a sarcastic undertone, Could it be because of me?” 

Of course because of him

If he could remember the past, he would understand everything

But unfortunately, he had forgotten

His memory loss made every explanation from her sound ridiculous and embarrassing

Erica felt sad and on the verge of collapse

The alarm clock rang

It was twelve p.m. their wedding anniversary was over

This also means that the time she set to let 


has come

Even so, she wanted to make a lastditch effort


Before she could finish her sentence, the phone made a dingsound

As she looked down, she saw a photo of two people embracing on the bed

The man in the photo was the man standing in front of her, her husband, Morgan West

Ha, Morgan had become despicable

She didn’t want that despicable man

Let’s get divorced.” 

At this moment, she finally made up her mind

Erica silently let go of his arm

Morgan turned his head in surprise, looking at Erica, unable to believe that the woman who had obediently begged him to stay with her on their anniversary just a second ago was now saying such words

But how could a smart and discerning woman like her overlook the position of Mrs. West and his money? The password is one to eight!After saying that, Morgan turned his head away, no longer looking at her. Erica bowed her head, looking at the card, her lips tightly pressed with bitterness

She had spent four years proving to him that she loved him, not the position of Mrs. West and his money. And she had waited fifteen days for him to make a decision between family and lover

In the end, she had lost all

When it was time to put in the effort, she gave it all

When it was time to end it, she couldn’t be weak and hesitant

She quickly stepped out and blocked Morgan at the elevator door, placing a divorce agreement on him, I am serious about the divorce, I don’t want a penny from the West family, I don’t want any of your money!” 

After Erica finished speaking, she only heard a thudas the divorce agreement was thrown into the trash 

Understand the situation before going crazy!he said, becoming extremely impatient

Erica knew that, like others in the West family, he believed she had no culture, no education, no background, and no job, and that if she left him, she would surely be unable to survive 

Don’t worry, I know very well about my situation · She picked up the agreement, brushed it lightly, and handed it back to him. It’s too late now to go through the procedures. Let’s meet tomorrow morning at nine o’clock. F’ll we you there 

After saying that, she walked out 

As she descended to the lower floor the let go of all her efforts, leaned against the wall, and breathed heavily 

Being used to crawling under his feet, such actions required a bit of come ago 

Deciding to give up was overwhelming 

Separating from the person she had loved for nearly ten years, resolonely leaving, war painful indeed

Oh Sitting there for a long time she stood up and looked at her oven weak reflection in the mirror 

Spending four and a half years proving that a man couldn’t love her perhaps this was the worst deal the had over made in her life 

The next morning. Erica went to the Civil Affairs Office

She warted until eleven o’clock without seeing any sign of Morgan

During the waiting process, she called him several times, but received no answer 

Knowing he was busy Erica still went to his company, hoping that today would resolve everything 

Upon arriving at the company building, she saw him standing below, bowing to a car, opening the car door with one hand and covering the upper part of the car door with the other 

A woman got carefully into the car 

When the woman turned to look back, Erica clearly saw her faceit was the woman Morgan could never forget

Erica smiled lightly her lips forming a mocking smile 

She had thought he didn’t want a divorce because he was busy, but the result was that he was going with the woman 

in has heart 

in the past half month when that woman had returned, he had been with her all that time, yet he still didn grown


The car carrying the woman in Morgan’s heart drove away, and Erica quickly approached him. Tve been wasting for you. Even if you’re busy you can’t delay the divorce proceedings 

Seeing her Morgan’s eyebrows quickly furrowed his eyes filled with impatience as usual. The company is evaluating some important projects, and no negative news can be spread?” 

Thus reason Ence found it truly laughable 

Compared uz divarcang her negative news about the cheating news between has and the woman in his heart wonded probably be even walar 

Before alur could say anything, Morgan i assistant rushed over and said there was an important lack that termeleri Kan 

The two of them quickly ie 

Then Morgen lost contact once again 

She didi | wall to wall any linger 

Ezica couid anty sexsi hún a message asking him is consider showing proper kosbantur les die vel years af mattinge 

And she included the meeting line

in the afternoon, when she arrived at the Civil Affairs Offer on line air actually won Morgan 


He stood in front of the car, his attractive and independent appearance resembling a painting

Even though they were getting divorced, Erica was still drawn to him

Immediately after, bitterness followed

If she had known it would end up like this, perhaps she wouldn’t have made that risky decision

Erica subconsciously touched her left eye, almost no one knowing that she had lost the ability to see with her left eye

Suppressing the complex emotions inside, she quickly approached, handing the divorce agreement back to him. I have signed it, you just need to sign and then we can go through the procedure.” 

Morgan became rigid for a moment, then said nothing more, and signed

The procedure proceeded quickly, with the two of them filling out several forms, and the staff stamping them

The two of you have a thirty day consideration period. Within thirty days, if either of you doesn’t want to proceed with the divorce, it can be revoked.” 

The staff did not issue them a divorce certificate; they had to wait for the legally mandated period to end

Is it possible to skip the consideration period and directly issue the divorce certificate?She asked, wanting to resolve everything quickly

No, it’s not allowed.The staff shook their head

Erica could only look at Morgan. Morgan said nothing and walked out of the room

She had no choice but to receive the notification paper and sign

Morgan couldn’t regret this divorce, it was just delaying the issuance of the certificate

After it was over, she quickly caught up to Morgan. Morgan, let’s meet after a month” 

Before she could finish saying momth.Morgan forcefully closed the car door

The car drove away, leaving only a cold gust of wind behind

Erica had no other option but to shake her head in discontent. A divorce that was still so selfish, not worth it

Standing in place for a while, she made a phone call. I’m divorced, come pick me up.” 

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My Dearest Treasure by Frieda (Morgan and Erica) Novel

My Dearest Treasure by Frieda (Morgan and Erica) Novel

Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Released: Sep 4, 2023 Native Language: English
My Dearest Treasure by Frieda (Morgan and Erica) Novel - No work, no ability, no sense of existence, even the husband's heart is not the waste should be clean out of the house, go to the father to leave the daughter, get rid of the big family West? The city people sit and wait to see Erica's jokes, West family more threatened: not three days she will obediently take her daughter back to kneel for compound. What? She's a top Internet celebrity with tens of millions of followers? Ke? You started a $100 billion company? Who are you fooling? Oh, my God! She's the god of racing, too! One day, when the reporter interviewed her, she interviewed her daughter: "No father to participate in the growth, will it be sad?" "More happy." Sitting in front of the TV, Morgan had never seen his daughter smile so happily, and his heart suddenly turned sour. "Parents without love are neither sweet nor beautiful, we don't want them." Erica eyes bright, but the pupil can no longer reflect the man called Morgan. Later, Morgan know a secret, just know their white moonlight should be her.

My Dearest Treasure by Frieda (Morgan and Erica) Novel

Frieda is the author of My Dearest Treasure Novel. This novel is in Romance genre, has been read by many people, and has a pretty good rating. For those of you who want to read it in full, you can search The novel has gained immense popularity and received praise from a wide audience. Content:

Description Novels

Title My Dearest Treasure by Frieda (Morgan and Erica)
Author Frieda
Publisher Bookalb
Genre Romance
Subtitle English
Other Works

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