When Love Turns into Hatred by Y.Flash Chapter 7

When Love Turns into Hatred by Y.Flash Chapter 7

Chapter 7 You Force Me to Do So

Rose was so calm. Lillian didn’t help but want to prove it, and she kept saying.

“Although the reporters ask him, he will deny it now. But can you ignore that we went to choose the rings and those affairs?”

Rose said calmly, “Sometimes, affairs are not true.”

Lillian was angry but smiled, “The entertainment version of Flourish Media posted a passage today. They concluded my relationship with Judson in the past 7 years. Many people viewed this passage. You can check it. Many things in this passage are true.”

Rose replied indifferently, “Can you stake the reputation of the Stewart family on your words?”

“Of course! I’m the daughter of the Stewart family. I can represent the Stewart family!”

“I see. I wish you happiness.”

Rose hung up the phone and walked out of the elevator. She stepped up the stairs and started to edit the audio that she just recorded.

She deleted the information about the Edwards family and changed her voice.

Then Rose sent it to Lakisha’s e-mail.

Rose called Lakisha, “Ms. Whitney, I got the phone call recording that Lillian admits her relationship with Judson. I’ve sent it to your e-mail.”

“Good job!” Lakisha was shocked. She also saw the interview just now. Lillian closed her mouth and didn’t admit anything.

Lakisha was very happy and praised Rose. “So many reporters can’t deal with her, but you did it. You are the hero!”

Rose was somewhat relaxed.

Actually, she didn’t need to live there now. But the more evidence she got, the more possible she won.

Rose called Eloy, “Eloy, please guard downstairs tonight again. I’ll play it by ear and contact you if anything happens.”

Rose put away the micro camera in her bag.

She thought, “Should I go to see Lillian again?

Judson, you force me to do so.”


On the 15th floor of Carls Hotel, the elevator doors were opened.

Judson walked out as he listened to Isidro on the phone.

“Mr. Roach, I heard from the hotel that Mrs. Roach came to Rayvale. She lived on the 15th floor in Carls Hotel.”

Judson stopped. “Did you see her?”

Isidro didn’t go upstairs. “I’m not sure. But someone used her membership to check in.”

Judson hadn’t slept for two days. He just wanted to stay alone. He might resent anyone who stayed with him now.

Thus, Isidro got the entire 15th floor of Carls. This was both good to them.

Normally, the hotel would not allow any other person to stay on this floor.

Unless this person was very important to Judson.

Thinking of Tameka’s curses on the phone before, Isidro said to Judson honestly, “Mr. Roach, Mrs. Roach is… furious.”

“Where did she live?” Judson asked.

“Room 1553. Just next to your room, Mr. Roach…”

Judson totally stopped.

He looked at the number on the door, 1553.

Judson kept silent for seconds. Then he turned around and walked to the stairs.

His previous experience taught him that when his mother was angry, he’d better not argue with her.

As Rose got ready for everything, she was about to walk out of the staircase. Suddenly, someone rushed in.

They looked at each other and were stunned.

When Love Turns into Hatred by Y.Flash

When Love Turns into Hatred by Y.Flash

Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: Sep 16, 2023 Native Language: English

How To Read When Love Turns into Hatred by Y.Flash Novel Full Episode

Read Novel When Love Turns into Hatred by Y.Flash - Rose Edwards took thirteen years transforming herself into Judson Roach's preferred kind, but it never crossed her mind that he had feelings for someone else. Upon this realization, she began living solely for herself. She embarked on a carefree and marvelous journey of life. Judson, who had never cared about her before, deeply regretted his choices and yearned to have her back. "Rose, I beg you, please grant me another opportunity," he pleaded. Rose chuckled and said slowly, "Mr. Roach, since when did you transform into the very man you despise?" Judson dedicated seven years to harboring resentment towards Rose, using that time to plot his revenge for her heartless betrayal. When she walked away from him decisively, he found that all his hatred was no match for his fear of losing her. "Rose, all I want is to get back together with you. I won't force you to marry me." "Rose, all I want is to marry you. I won't force you to have a baby." "Rose, all I want is to have a baby with you. I won't force you to have a second one..."...

When Love Turns into Hatred by Y.Flash

Y.Flash is the author of When Love Turns into Hatred by Y.Flash Novel. This novel is in Romance genre, has been read by many people, and has a pretty good rating. For those of you who want to read it in full, you can search bookalb.com The novel has gained immense popularity and received praise from a wide audience.

Description Novels

Title When Love Turns into Hatred by Y.Flash
Author  Y.Flash
Publisher Bookalb
Genre CEO
Subtitle English
Other Works

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  1. Kathy says:

    I love the story!! Looking forward to the next chapters…

  2. Marla says:

    Muy pero muy interesante, espero que actualicen pronto 😁

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