The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia
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The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia

Read full chapter The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia, Light Novel The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia english, LN The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia, The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia Online, read The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia at Bookalb.con.
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: May, 6, 2023 Native Language: English Posted by: AdminA Posted on: Updated on: View: ? Views
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Synopsis The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia

The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia – Her marriage, which has lasted for three years, ends in a divorce. The whole city laughs at her and mocks her for being the abandoned wife of a wealthy family. Six years later, she returns to the country with a pair of twins. This time, she has taken a new lease on life and is now a world-renowned genius doctor. Countless men are now lining up to court her and marry her, until one day, her daughter tells her that “Daddy” has been on his knees for three days straight, begging to remarry her.

“The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife” is a captivating novel that revolves around the lives of Lucian and Roxanne, two individuals whose paths cross unexpectedly as they navigate the complexities of love, loss, and second chances. Set against the backdrop of a bustling city, their journey of self-discovery and reconciliation takes center stage.

Lucian, a successful businessman in his late thirties, has been grappling with the pain of a failed marriage. He is haunted by the memories of his ex-wife, Emily, and the bitter end of their relationship. Determined to move forward, Lucian devotes himself to his career, finding solace in his work but longing for companionship.

Roxanne, on the other hand, is a talented and independent artist in her early thirties. Having experienced heartbreak in her past, she has focused on her art, using it as a means to express her emotions and find healing. Despite her outward confidence, Roxanne carries a lingering desire to find love again and rebuild her life.

Fate intervenes when Lucian and Roxanne meet at an art gallery opening. Drawn to each other’s vulnerability and shared experiences, they strike up a conversation that sparks a connection neither can ignore. As they spend more time together, their bond deepens, and they find solace in each other’s company.

However, their journey is far from smooth sailing. Both Lucian and Roxanne must confront their pasts and the emotional baggage they carry. Lucian’s unresolved feelings for Emily threaten to sabotage his newfound happiness, while Roxanne must confront her fears of being hurt again and open herself up to love.

As they navigate the challenges of their pasts, Lucian and Roxanne embark on a mission to rebuild their lives and find happiness. Together, they create a safe space where they can share their deepest fears, hopes, and dreams. They learn to trust each other, supporting one another through the ups and downs of their individual journeys.

Throughout the novel, Lucian and Roxanne’s love story unfolds against a vibrant cityscape. The author vividly describes the sights, sounds, and smells of the bustling metropolis, providing a backdrop that mirrors the characters’ emotional landscapes. The city becomes a metaphor for their personal growth, as they navigate its chaotic streets and find moments of tranquility within its busy corners.

As Lucian and Roxanne’s relationship deepens, they confront their insecurities and learn to let go of the past. They discover the power of forgiveness and the importance of embracing the present moment. Together, they embark on a mission to remarry, not only in the traditional sense but also in terms of finding solace, love, and happiness within themselves and each other.

“The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife” is a heartfelt novel that explores themes of love, loss, and personal growth. Lucian and Roxanne’s journey serves as a reminder that healing and second chances are possible, and that the pursuit of happiness often requires courage, vulnerability, and a willingness to take risks.

Detail About The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia

Title Name: The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia

Author: –

Gener: Romance

Publisher: Bookalb

Ratings: 10.0 (Very Good)

Language: English

Where to read novel The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia

You can read free all chapters from the bottom of the page. All chapters is attached and you can also request the book in any other format.

How many pages is The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia?


There are onging novel pages in the book.


What is The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia about?


This book is a Romance.


Is The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia also available?

Yes, it is also available as an audiobook. You can request us a copy or you can buy it from Audible.

Ultimately, the decision of whether a novel is good or not is subjective, and what one person considers a good novel may not be the same for another.

Gallery The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia

Read The Net Wife: Surviving the Ex-Wife by Aka.Lucia

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  1. Erika says:

    Hola publican más capitulos porfa gracias

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