Billionaire’s Sweet Contract Wife by Green FLower Chapter 24

Billionaire's Sweet Contract Wife by Green FLower Chapter 24


Chapter 24 Almost There 

He was lying on the cold, damp floor next to the toilet

Lemuel was deeply surprised and sat up with a whoosh. Hiss” 

He didn’t know where it hurt, but it really hurt anyway. His whole body hurt

Lemuel stood up with his waist supported. When he saw himself in the mirror, his eyes widened. What happened!” 

What were those scratches on his neck

It looked like a cat’s paw scratching. It was made by someone

It wasn’t there when he came back last night. The scratches were 

left last night. In other words, did Brenda scratch him

Did she scratch him and throw him in the bathroom

Such a nasty woman

Lemuel was so angry that he wanted to find Brenda to battle. But once he pulled the door, he couldn’t open it. He pulled it again and still couldn’t open it

Brenda locked the door

Lemuel’s anger surged up. Brenda! Open the door!” 

No one replied. Lemuel slammed on the door hard

Brenda was woken up by the noise. She opened her eyes lazily and found that the noise was coming from the bathroom. She frowned and rubbed her eyes in dissatisfaction, and got out of bed

Opening the door of the bathroom, Brenda took the lead

Are you bored? What are you doing so early in the morning?” 

Lemuel pursed his thin lips, his fists creaking

Look at the scratches on my face. Did you do it?” 

His voice was too cold, scaring away Brenda’s drowsiness. She glanced at him. There were indeed several scratches on his neck

She did scratch it

Brenda admitted, It was me.” 

Lemuel bit his back teeth hard and asked while gnashing his teeth

So, after you scratched me, did you just lock me in the bathroom and let me sleep on the bathroom floor all night?” 

Brenda said discontentedly, Why are you so fierce? Last night, you molested me, and I haven’t settled with you yet!” 

What? Did you just say that I molested you? I” 

Get out. I need to use the bathroom!” 

Brenda pulled Lemuel out, closed the door with a bang, and locked it with a click

Lemuel was speechless

He was so angry that he was about to lose his temper when what happened last night suddenly came to his mind. Last night, he… 

He couldn’t remember the specifics, but he remembered that yesterday was the anniversary of Matt’s death. After commemorating Matt, he went shopping with Krista

Then Krista’s clothes were soiled, and they went to the hotel for Krista to change her clothes

Then he felt hot all over his body and wanted to take a cold shower. But Krista was using the bathroom. To avoid the embarrassment, he went home

After he came back, he plunged into the bathroom to take a cold shower. But no matter how hard he took it, he was not satisfied. Just when he was so uncomfortable that he was about to explode, Brenda came back. So he… 

Lemuel trembled with shock

He almost molested Brenda last night… 

No wonder she scratched him

With a creaksound, the bathroom door opened. Brenda came out of the bathroom

Seeing Lemuel’s expression, she knew that this guy probably remembered something. So she raised her eyelids and said

I’m warning you, you’d better not mess with me. You were the one who bullied me first last night, and it was merciful that I scratched you a few times!” 

Lemuel was speechless

He frowned, looked at Brenda’s back, and said

I lost control last night. Don’t think too much. I have no intention to do that with you!” 

Brenda was speechless. What did he mean

She was almost molested by him. Not only did he apologize, but he told her to stop being sentimental first

Brenda turned to look at him and said

It was true that you were drugged. But the reason was not important. The result was that you bullied me. So don’t mention that I scratched you a few times and put you in the bathroom to sleep all night. Even if you were beaten to death, you would not be wronged. You have nothing to be wronged!” 

Brenda snorted coldly afte to the cloakroom

Lemuel pursed his lips tightly, sulking

But there was nothing he could do. Brenda was telling the truth


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Billionaire’s Sweet Contract Wife by Green FLower

Billionaire’s Sweet Contract Wife by Green FLower

Score 9.1
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: Aug 29, 2022 Native Language: English

Read Billionaire's Sweet Contract Wife by Green FLower Novel Full Episode

Billionaire's Sweet Contract Wife by Green FLower is an amazing novel about Lemuel Patterson. Lemuel Patterson was asked to marry a strange girl, and the new wife was very disobedient, and it would be unhappy if he didn't make trouble for him for a day! Lemuel couldn't take it anymore, and announced in public: Once the contract expires, they will divorce immediately! Two years later, when the wedding day came, everyone was waiting for Lemuel to do what he said; As a result, everyone only heard the ups and downs of ambiguous voices coming from Lemuel's house at night. . . His wife was unwilling and wanted to apply for a divorce at home; Lemuel Patterson uttered harsh words, "Anyone who dares to come will be shot to death!" Turning around, he begged his beautiful wife in a low voice: "Be good, be obedient, don't divorce, let's have a lovely baby."

Billionaire's Sweet Contract Wife by Green FLower

 Green FLower is the author of Billionaire's Sweet Contract Wife by Green FLower Novel. This novel is in Romance genre, has been read by many people, and has a pretty good rating. For those of you who want to read it in full, you can search The novel has gained immense popularity and received praise from a wide audience. Content:

Description Novels

Title Billionaire's Sweet Contract Wife by Green FLower
Author Green FLower
Publisher Bookalb
Genre werewolf
Subtitle English
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