Após o Divórcio Me Tornei Uma Bilionária Capítulo 51

Após o Divórcio Me Tornei Uma Bilionária Capítulo 51

O lamento da mulher na cabana enfraqueceu gradualmente e, ao mesmo tempo,
ecoou o riso arrogante dos homens.
Os olhos de Melvin estavam em chamas de cólera, e ele chutou a porta da
cabana com extrema força.
Os homens lá dentro estavam prestes a começar a trabalhar quando Melvin
interrompeu a diversão.
Os dois lados rapidamente entraram em uma briga.
Esse grupo de homens já era gangster há muito tempo, então eles eram
implacáveis nas lutas. Melvin e Fred ficaram com hematomas no rosto. No
Digite o título…
entanto, a forte intenção de matar de Melvin o levou a chutar e socar mais
impiedosamente do que a gangue.
Em menos de dez minutos, o grupo de homens estava espalhado aqui e ali,
deitado no chão gemendo de dor, sem poder mais se defender.
A sala ainda estava muito escura, misturada com o som de uma mulher
vomitando sangue e tossindo.
Melvin seguiu o som e encontrou a mulher sem seiva no chão, e ele a carregou
pela sala.
Fred recebeu mais alguns chutes do lado oposto durante a luta e saiu mancando
da cabana atrás de Melvin.
Melvin colocou a pessoa em seus braços na área aberta fora da cabana para
verificar seus ferimentos.
O rosto da mulher estava inchado como uma cabeça de porco por causa do
espancamento, quase indistinguível.
As roupas estavam rasgadas, cobertas de sangue – que visão trágica.
Felizmente, Melvin e Fred chegaram a tempo; caso contrário, eles não ousariam
imaginar as consequências se ela fosse realmente estuprada por dez homens…
Melvin’s eyes were flaming with hate seeing the wounds all over her body, and
his heart suddenly felt like being wrenched, which hurt so much that he couldn’t
“Lyra! Wake up, wake up!”
The woman had completely fainted, but still breathing faintly, indicating that her
life was not in a critical condition.
Fred glanced at the battered woman on the ground and couldn’t help feeling
sorry for her. He asked in a hushed voice, “Boss, what about those men inside?”
Melvin’s eyes were suddenly filled with ferocity and he snarled without hesitation,
“Kill them!”
Fred got the order and immediately made a call to someone to handle it.
Melvin took off his suit jacket and wrapped it around the woman, inexplicable
emotions in his eyes.
Not far away, Lyra behind the tree was watching everything from an excellent
viewing angle.
Looking at Melvin’s out-of-control expression, Lyra thought for a moment that she
had misread it.
If it was really her lying on the ground, would Melvin actually be so sad for her?
He still had feelings for her?
She could not tell how she felt in her heart when she saw this scene; it was odd
But then she dismissed the thought she had just had.
Whether Melvin loved her or not— hadn’t she seen clearly enough in the past
three years?
If he knew that the person on the ground was actually Charlotte, whom he held
so dear, he would probably be even sadder and more distraught, right?
At the thought of this, the look in Lyra’s eyes turned cold again and she turned to
leave quietly.
The woman on the ground woke up in a daze, her swollen eyes opened to slits,
and after seeing who the man in front of her was, she burst into a cry.
“Mel! I thought I’d never see you again…”
Her mouth was hurt so her speech was a little slurred.
But Melvin heard her “Mel” loud and clear.
Lyra would never call him that.
He looked again at the woman on the ground, but Fred next to him was the first
to lose control and shout, “Boss, it’s not Lyra. It’s Miss Matthews!”
Fred was visibly more agitated than he had just been when he found out it was
Charlotte, “Miss Matthews, what are you doing here? Who did this to you?”
Charlotte cried even more, her bloodied hands clutching Melvin’s cuff, “It’s…it’s
Lyra. She was the one who called me to come here. Mel, it hurts, it hurts so
The more she talked, the more excited she became, and finally she passed out
from physical exhaustion.
Knowing that the injured person was Charlotte instead of Lyra, the heartwrenching pain that Melvin had been feeling was suddenly eased a little, without
he himself noticing it.
But Fred, next to him, was already cursing, “Those motherfuckers! How dare they
hurt Miss Matthews. Damn it!”
Fred gritted hiscom raiva e virou-se para Melvin, “Chefe, você acabou de receber
a mensagem de texto da senhorita Carroll e pensou que ela estava em perigo,
então você correu para cá. Mas foi a senhorita Matthews quem se machucou.
Isso deve ter algo to do with Lyra. Maybe it was her that plotted the whole thing!”
Melvin frowned, but he had composedele mesmo agora, “Leve Lottie para o
hospital primeiro. This matter can be investigated later.”
Fred picked up Charlotte from Melvin’s arms, carried the persone dashed to their
car parked on the side of the highway.
After Fred left, Melvin slowly got up. Looking at thecabine atrás dele, onde havia
lamentos saindo de time to time, he remembered the text message he got from
Lyra half an hour ago.
She said, “I’ve invited ten guys tonightpara me divertir. Querer to come over and
join the party?”
When he saw the text message, he was furious.Ele ligou para ela
imediatamente, mas disse que o telefone de Lyra estava desligado, então ele
pediu a Fred para rastrear o local e depois hurried here.
He didn’t expect it toser Charlotte que foi espancada e even nearly raped.
Could she really be the one who did it?
Irritation suddenly bubbled up in his heart.

Lyra took Katrina and went to the main city taking Jalen’s eyes.
Before parting, she took out the black case that she had specially asked Jalen to
fetch using her Black Gold Card and handed it to Katrina.
“Here is five million. Better move to the countryside in the future, more
inconspicuous, you know. When Irene finds out about this, she will definitely hunt
you down. Just hid yourself away, ok?”
Katrina took the case with complicated emotions in her eyes. She urged, “You
said you would save my mother from Irene and bring her safely to me. If you dare
lie to me, I’ll…”
Lyra interrupted her with a smile, “No such possibility. I, Lyra Lloyd, always keep
my promise.”
Katrina was drawn to the lights in her eyes.
“Okay, I believe you.”
Only after Katrina had completely disappeared did Jalen approach Lyra and
whisper, “Miss, why didn’t you kill her, but you even gave her money?”
“She didn’t mean to harm me. Her mother was held hostage by Irene, so Katrina
had to work for her. Poor girl. I sort of took advantage of her weak spot, and then
offered her mercy and kindness. She will only be more grateful to me and work
for me from now on instead of stabbing me in the back.”
Seeing Jalen did not speak, she added, “Don’t worry. I’m not a saint or what.
Those who actually want to hurt me, I won’t spare any of them. But death is too
comfortable for them. The best way of revenge is to torture them to the point that
they are begging for death.”
Jalen looked at her who was smiling a mischievous smile and he laughed along
with her.
“The young master had guessed it correctly. You’re indeed a clever little baddie,
Lyra instantly looked up and stared at him, “You two speak ill of me like this
behind my back? Have you forgotten that I’m the real boss of Angle Group? Do
you still want to get paid?”
Jalen instantly stuttered, “No, no, Lady, I was wrong!”
Women were not to be messed with!
Lyra stopped teasing him and rubbed her shoulders, “Come on, let’s go home. I
need to get a good night’s sleep to refresh myself. This is not over yet. Tomorrow
is expected to be another tough battle.”
As she was talking, she turned her head and looked at a certain large store on a
quiet street that was already closed at this hour.
It was a branded store owned by the Matton Corp.

Após o Divórcio Me Tornei Uma Bilionária

Após o Divórcio Me Tornei Uma Bilionária

Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: Released: July, 11, 2023 Native Language: Portuguese

How to Read Novel Após o Divórcio Me Tornei Uma Bilionária Full Episode

Para o amor, Lyra Carroll abandonou tudo e se tornou uma dona de casa por três anos. Mas ela chegou a perceber que todos os esforços que tinha feito não podiam nem mesmo se comparar com um olhar amoroso do seu primeiro amor. Lyra ficou desapontada e entregou o acordo de divórcio de forma determinada e resoluta: - Perdão, não aguento mais! - A seguir, levantou-se um tumulto na Internet. Suspeitava-se que a mulher super rica com valor de bilhões tivesse se divorciada!

Resumo Após o Divórcio Me Tornei Uma Bilionária

Capítulo 1 Sem Resmungos, Apenas Divórcio
Esta noite. Lyra Carroll se revirava no travesseiro e mal conseguia dormir. Ela sentiu como se estivesse presa debaixo de algo e estava quase sem fôlego. Estranhamente, ela até parecia ouvir uma respiração pesada e rápida tão perto dela. Imediatamente depois, uma dor aguda e lancinante veio direto de algum lugar entre suas pernas. Ao perceber o que estava acontecendo e Lyra abriu os olhos em choque. Ela vagamente viu um homem se apiando sobre ela.-Melvin, é... você? O homem respondeu levemente com um -hmm.- Com um forte cheiro de álcool em seu corpo e depois continuou transá-la sem dizer nada. Ao ouvir a voz familiar, Lyra suspirou de alívio. Seguindo os movimentos do homem, ela também começou a se envolver. Involuntariamente, soltou um gemido delicado e contente.
Após o Divórcio Me Tornei Uma Bilionária

Detalhes sobre Após o Divórcio Me Tornei Uma Bilionária

Nome do Título: Após o Divórcio Me Tornei Uma Bilionária

Autor: – 

Gênero: Romance

Editora: Bookalb

Notas: 10,0 (Muito Bom)

Língua inglesa

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Após o Divórcio Me Tornei Uma Bilionária


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