A esposa arrasadora do bilionário Capítulo 133

A esposa arrasadora do bilionário Capítulo 133

Chapter 133 Regret

After saying that, Mr. and Madame Rivera looked at each other in horror. Thinking about how Mr. Lang and his wife had not answered the phone calls, they had a sudden ominous feeling.

“Call the police!”

The two of them said in unison.

They called the police. Mr. Rivera retrieved a tool and forced open the gates to the Lang family’s house. They drove in.

Mrs. Lang had been stabbed three times. She and Samantha were covered in blood. She glared at Samantha, but the image of Samantha calling her mom when she was little flashed through her mind.

However, those beautiful images were replaced by bright crimson as the knife kept slashing down. More blood spurted out.

She hated everything. And she regretted everything…

Samantha, on the other hand, went off the rails. She kept waving the knife around with a vicious expression.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door with a loud bang.

The desperate Mrs. Lang and Ethan seemed to have heard the sound of divine intervention.

That loud noise sounded like a thunderclap to Samantha.

She was stunned. Her pupils constricted in fear. She watched as someone knocked on the door again. Without a word, she stabbed herself in the heart and stuffed the knife into Ethan’s hand.



The door banged again, and Mr. Rivera appeared.

Through Ethan’s blurry vision, he saw Mr. Rivera’s figure. The remaining strength he had forced out of his body had finally reached its limit. He could no longer hold on and fainted.

Mr. Rivera was stunned when he saw what had happened in the living room.

Madame Rivera came in a step later. When she saw the three people lying in a pool of blood, she was so shocked that her face turned pale. She covered her mouth and panted a few times before she swallowed her


She looked at Mrs. Lang. Mrs. Lang’s eyes were wide open. Madame Rivera did not know if she was dead or alive. She was in a daze and looked like she was dead. However, she was staring in Samantha’s direction. It was horrifying.

Madame Rivera trembled as she took out her phone to make an emergency call.

The couple stood rooted to the ground, not daring to move. After waiting for a few minutes, the police and ambulances arrived from nearby.

Looking at the ambulance and police walking in and out of the house, the couple’s expressions were somber. After a long period of chaos, Mr. and Mrs. Lang were finally carried into the ambulance for emergency treatment. Two police officers also walked toward Mr. and Madame Rivera.

The couple knew that they would have to make a statement. They could not extricate themselves from this.

After they finished giving their statements at the police station, the police officer asked, “The door of the Lang family’s house should be locked. We saw traces of damage on the lock. Did you break the lock?



How did you guess there was a homicide inside? You even called the police.”

Mr. Rivera said, “We called them a few times, but they didn’t pick up. One of them did, but when she picked up, she hung up again.

“We were about to call again when we saw the news of Jason’s car crashing into the canal. We recognized it as Jason’s car.

“The Lang family had always been on good terms with us. It was very much unlike them not to pick up our calls. They would not answer and hang up immediately, either.

“When we thought of what had happened in the Lang family recently, we had an ominous feeling. To be safe, we called the police first and planned to break in to take a look. We thought it would be more reassuring after we’ve taken a look…”

was someone who had braved many difficulties in the business world. He could still maintain his composure. He told the police officers the truth about what had happened.

At this moment, Isabella and Draxton entered the ward.

Upon seeing the two of them, Ethan’s calm eyes suddenly twitched violently. He stared fixedly at Isabella, and tears silently rolled down his face.

Isabella looked at him indifferently. She had no intention of going forward to speak. Seeing that the police were there, she turned around and walked out with Draxton.

Two police officers followed them.

Isabella asked the nurse, “Which ward is Samantha Lang in?”



The nurse opened the ward next door, and Isabella entered. After taking a look, the corners of her lips curled. up slightly. She said coldly, “Samantha, since you’re awake, why don’t you open your eyes?”

A esposa arrasadora do bilionário romance completo

A esposa arrasadora do bilionário romance completo

Score 9.0
Status: Ongoing Type: Author: Artist: , Released: Aug 19, 2022 Native Language: Portuguese
A esposa arrasadora do bilionário romance completo - Daniel, o líder da corporação mais rica e poderosa de Brasília, costumava imaginar Isabela como uma pessoa má. Então, como ele suportaria ser agredido por uma mulher? Ele queria Isabela morta. Ele não pararia de caçá-la. O diabo nele havia sido despertado. A morte seria o único destino que recairia sobre aqueles que o humilhassem. Isabela não tinha ninguém. A família que ela pensava ter não era sua família verdadeira. Eles a queriam miserável mais do que qualquer outra pessoa no mundo. Ela havia perdido quase tudo. Além disso, ela irritou o diabo.

A esposa arrasadora do bilionário romance completo

Ela simplesmente não conseguia dar um tempo. Para sua surpresa, seu infeliz encontro com Daniel em uma noite de tempestade acabou sendo a melhor coisa que já aconteceu em sua vida. Ele deu a ela os presentes mais preciosos, seus dois filhos adoráveis. Quando Daniel e Isabela finalmente se reencontram, algo mudou em Daniel. Ele só via beleza e pureza nela. O tempo muda muitas coisas. Isabela ainda é a garota que costumava ser? Será que ela pode fugir de Daniel? Será que Daniel ainda puxará o gatilho e acabará com a vida de Isabela? Ou eles ainda podem começar uma família juntos?... Kat é autora do romance A esposa arrasadora do bilionário. Este romance é do gênero Romance, foi lido por muitas pessoas e tem uma classificação muito boa. Para aqueles que desejam lê-lo na íntegra, podem pesquisar em bookalb.com. O romance ganhou imensa popularidade e recebeu elogios de um grande público. Contente:

Descrição Romances

Título A esposa arrasadora do bilionário romance completo
Autor -
Editor Bookalb
Gênero Romance
Legenda Inglês
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